Wednesday 6 April 2011


Do you want to have six packs like Christiano Ronaldo?

Do you want to have the combination of six packs into one big belly?

Pretty obvious.
I want to have awesome six packs so that I can show off to the hot girls who walk by along the beach.I believe you do.Therefore,allow me to share some of my personal tips of having nice strong abs.Wait,if the tips below do not work for you,please don't blame me as I do not have nice six packs like C Ronaldo but at least I don't have a beer belly.Healthy abs.

Below are my abs blasting exercises :
1. Crunches 
- Stay like a sit-up position as crunches is kinda like a sit up exercise,but the only difference is that the neck should only elevate a few inches from the ground.Remember that it is important not to crank your neck.Crunches should be performed in a slow mannered way and you should watch out for your breathing as well.

2.Bicycle Crunches
- The same as Crunches,but only this time you would have to do extra work on your abs.Instead of just elevating your neck,this time you go towards the right of your thigh,lay back and then towards your left.

By now,you should feel that your abs are more rigid(/ fatigue) due to the workout.Believe me,it is only a momentarily feeling that you will have.If you stop the workout right now,thinking that you have already achieved your six packs,you are DAMN wrong.Your belly is going to come back and haunt you after a couple of drinks.

3. Plank
- Use your forearms to support you on the ground with your body straightenens to the back,tip-toe-ing with both your legs. Then,contract your stomach and back muscles. You will start to feel the effect after about 30 seconds.If not,it might be because your posture is wrong.Re-consider again.

Do each exercise for 3 sets,with repetitious of 20-25 times.
For plank exercise,stay still for 1 minute.You can start from 45 seconds and then gradually increase your time.

I only share 3 tips with you because I feel that they are the main one for you to have nice work out.At least,by doing those,I believe that you won't be having a beer belly.Six packs?Not only come from the workout,but also your diet.Watch out for your diet!It is very important.

Drinking more beer now?
Not a problem after you consistently do the exercises above.Of course,for further abs blasting tips,you can always google them.
Remember,Stay Healthy!


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