Monday 25 April 2011

Swimming - Legend in the making

this guy looks familiar?
I know you are enjoying his abs and huge biceps in the photo,but do not get me wrong.This post is not about his muscular body,but about his great achievements in swimming.
For people who enjoy swimming,everyone must agree unanimously that this guy is a legend in the making.Yea,he is Michael Phelps!

For the young or old generations,if you do not know him,you do not know swimming.He can be easily said as one of the best swimmers in the world.His achievements are so huge and great that one of the achievements is he won 8 olympic gold medals in Beijing Olympic 2008,the most gold medals won by a player in the history of Olympic.Adding to that feat is out of the 8 events that he participated,7 of them were new World Record.

However,for the record breaking 8 gold medals in a single Olympic year,his 7th gold medal came amidst controversy.He won the 100m butterfly with a mere 0.01 second,ahead of his rival.

Believe it or not.That was the closest thing you can ever see in the swimming event.Wow!

"Dream as big as you can dream, and anything is possible ... I am sort of in a dream world. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure it is real." - Michael Phelps

See,anyone can become Phelps if you dare to dream big.
TeamNotSoCool encourages you to dream big,to inch towards your dream confidently,and who knows one day you may become as successful as Phelps,or even more successful.


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