Friday, 15 April 2011

Buiding Biceps

I guess every guys' dream is to have big and strong biceps like these 
It is achievable by a few simple techniques :

First is the Flex Armed Hang,
1. Grasp 
With your palms facing yourself, grab a chin-up bar. Make sure your hands are around 6 inches apart from each other. Keeping them close together will maximize the tension on biceps.

2. Position
Next, you have to put yourself in the top position of a chin-up by standing on a bench. Standing on a bench allows you to set up very precisely and deliberately.

3. Face
Keep your eyes level and face close to the chin-up bar as this gives a good body position to maximize bicep work. Stay as vertical as possible to maximize tension on the biceps rather than the back.

4. Hold
Lastly, hold onto the chin-up bar for as long as you can. Contract your biceps hard and hold that position until your biceps start to weaken.
Avoid having your body drop too quickly. Instead, allow gravity to pull yourself down. Try your best until you can't hold on to the bar anymore.

Second is the Barbell Curl,

1. Have your feet apart at the same width as your shoulders and bent your knees slightly.
2. Hold the Barbell with your palms facing forward at the front of your thigh.
3. Lift the bar up to your shoulder level and try to keep elbows close to sides throughout movement.
4. Slowly let the bar down to where it was at the start
5. This exercise should only involve the moving of the elbow joint. Always remember to keep head and back  straight in a neutral position throughout movement.

Enjoy !!

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